Kanaad (VIP)
Living Room
Living Room
Master Bedroom
Kanaad (VIP) is an accommodation in Deluxe Section for a family of Four people. Here patients will receive a personalized care by a team of coordinators, therapists and doctors. The accommodation is fully air-conditioned, and has a richly furnished 2 bed room set TV and Telephone facility. Its meticulously designed interiors, living room, dressing room cum walk-in-wardrobe, attached bath-cum- Jacuzzi.
Master Bedroom: with King size bed 24hour Wi-Fi available, Safety Locker, sofa table, T.V 40 inches, A/C, Hair dryer, Hand dryer, Ward robe & attach balcony with sitting facilities of 2 person.
Treatment room: Personalized treatment with comfort and privacy will be provided in the room for two persons. Other persons will need to visit the treatment center for all the treatments.
Hall: Two comfortable single beds in the hall.
Housekeeping Amenities: Bath Linen - Bath Towel, Hand Towel, soap, shampoo, Moisturizer, shaving kit, dental kit, and comb.
Living Room: Sofa, Coffee table, T.V 48 inches, A/C, Dining table, covered drinking glass, Telephone
Pantry: Tea Maker, Mini Fridge, Filtered RO water, Tea mug, Electrical kettle & Induction.
Accommodation Charges: INR 4000/- (Room Charges) 36000/- (Treatment, Therapies & Medicated Diet Charges) for maximum four person per day. Most of the treatment would be provided in the room only
INR 500/- for registration & doctor consultation charges & INR 1000/- for kit bag charges will be extra per person.
Note: charges per day inclusive of recommended food & various therapies.
360 DegreeView
360 Degree View of Living Room, Master Bedroom.
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Living Area
PTGui Panorama Viewer Version 2.0www.ptgui.com rendering mode: css3d
Master Bedroom
PTGui Panorama Viewer Version 2.0www.ptgui.com rendering mode: css3d
Twin Bedroom
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