Registration Procedure

(Yog-Naturopathy-Panchkarma Treatment & Research Centre)

  • Registration Procedure

    1. 1. Please get yourself registered in advance at NIRAMAYAM to help us serve you better.
    2. 2. For advance registration you have to send your particulars like- Name, Age, Sex, Diseases, History of Disease (Latest Pathology, Radiology and Cardiology Reports), Complete Address, Contact No. and Email Id through - fill and submit online application form on our website.
    3. 3. Tuberculosis (TB), Leprosy and AIDS are not treatable at NIRAMAYAM.
    4. 4. Make sure that you are going to deposit amount after getting permission from our doctor by email.
    5. 5. Registration Procedure-
      1. a. The period of stay for treatment shall be for minimum 7 days and maximum 50 days.
      2. b. Health seekers can book their accommodation for more than 7 days and they have to deposit amount for complete desired period. No money, in any form, will be refunded/ adjusted to a health seeker leaving the treatment before completion of booked period.


Dear Health Seeker(s) Welcome to the Online Health Seeker Registration portal of NIRAMAYAM, Please follow the following steps for Online Registration.



a. Submit Online Application (Health seeker with critical diseases like Cardiac, Kidney, Liver and cancer etc. must upload their latest relevant medical reports)


Wait for Treatment approval. Approval message with Username & Password will be sent to you via Sms or E-mail within 48 hours to your mob. /E-mail-Id.


After getting your Username & Password visit Online Booking Portal again processed with Patient Login.


Check Current accommodation availability.


Chose accommodation for each health seeker individually or sharing basis according to availability.


After selecting the accommodation, proceed for Online payment option-:

(A) Online Payment

(B) Offline Payment


Do Online Payment.


Generate Bank-Voucher and Print.


After successful payment, you will get booking confirmation via SMS or E-mail within few minutes.


Deposit payment in bank within 48 hours.




After depositing payment in the bank, again processed with Patient Login fill the payment voucher details.




You will get booking confirmation Via SMS or E-mail within 48 Hours.

Note: INR 500/- for registration & doctor consultation charges & INR 1000/- for kit bag charges will be extra per person.

6. Accommodation Facilities

Charges inclusive of one day’s Accommodation, Food, Various Therapies (Naturopathy, Yog and Shatkarma according to disease).





Master Bedroom: with King size bed, 24 hours Wi-Fi available, Safety Locker, satellite cable T.V 40 inches, A/C (heating and cooling),Hair dryer, Ward robe, Jacuzzi in shower room, attached balcony with sitting facilities 2 person.

Twin Bed Room: Each Room has been provided with two comfortable Single beds, Shower cubical, Study table with chair and table lamp, A/C (heating and cooling), Ward robe.

Housekeeping Amenities: Bath Linen - Bath Towel, Hand Towel, soap, shampoo, Moisturizer, shaving kit, dental kit, and comb.

Living Room: Sofa set, side table, T.V 49 inches, A/C, Dining table, Telephone.

Pantry: Tea Maker, Mini Fridge, Filtered RO water, Tea mug, Electrical kettle & Induction.

Accommodation Charges: INR 4500/-(Room Charges) 45500/- (Treatment, Therapies & medicated Diet Charges) for four person per day
Extra Person: 500/- (Room Charges) 6500/- (Treatment, Therapies & Medicated Diet Charges)
Note 1: charges per day inclusive of recommended food & various therapies.

Note 2: INR 500/- for registration & doctor consultation charges & INR 1000/- for kit bag charges will be extra per person.


Master Bedroom: with King size bed 24hour Wi-Fi available, Safety Locker, sofa table, T.V 40 inches, A/C, Hair dryer, Hand dryer, Ward robe & attach balcony with sitting facilities of 2 person.

Treatment room: Personalized treatment with comfort and privacy will be provided in the room for two persons. Other persons will need to visit the treatment center for all the treatments.

Hall: Two comfortable single beds in the hall.

Housekeeping Amenities: Bath Linen - Bath Towel, Hand Towel, soap, shampoo, Moisturizer, shaving kit, dental kit, and comb.

Living Room: Sofa, Coffee table, T.V 48 inches, A/C, Dining table, covered drinking glass, Telephone

Pantry: Tea Maker, Mini Fridge, Filtered RO water, Tea mug, Electrical kettle & Induction.

Accommodation Charges: INR 4000/-(Room Charges) 36000/- (Treatment, Therapies & medicated Diet Charges) for Maximum Four person per day.
Note 1: charges per day inclusive of recommended food & various therapies.

Note 2: INR 500/- for registration & doctor consultation charges & INR 1000/- for kit bag charges will be extra per person.


Master Bedroom: with King size bed 24hour Wi-Fi available, Safety Locker, sofa table, T.V 40 inches, A/C, Hair dryer, Hand dryer, Ward robe & attach balcony with sitting facilities of 2 person.

Twin Bed Room: Each Room has been provided with two comfortable Single beds, Shower cubical, Study table with chair and table lamp, A/C (heating and cooling), Ward robe.

Housekeeping Amenities: Bath Linen - Bath Towel, Hand Towel, soap, shampoo, Moisturizer, shaving kit, dental kit, and comb.

Living Room: Sofa, Coffee table, T.V 48 inches, A/C, Dining table, covered drinking glass, Telephone

Pantry: Tea Maker, Mini Fridge, Filtered RO water, Tea mug, Electrical kettle & Induction.

Accommodation Charges: INR 4000/-(Room Charges) 36000/- (Treatment, Therapies & medicated Diet Charges) for Maximum three person per day.
For extra person: 1000/- bed charges and 4625/- (Treatment, Therapies & Medicated Diet Charges)
Note 1: charges per day inclusive of recommended food & various therapies.

Note 2: INR 500/- for registration & doctor consultation charges & INR 1000/- for kit bag charges will be extra per person.


Master Bedroom: with King size bed with attached balcony, Safety Locker, writing table, T.V 40 inches, A/C, Hair dryer, Hand dryer, Ward robe.

Housekeeping Amenities: Bath Linen - Bath Towel, Hand Towel, Face Towel, Bath Robes, Bath room toiletries.

Living Room: Sofa set with centre table, T.V 48 inches, A/C, Dining table, Telephone.

Pantry: Tea Maker, Mini Fridge, Filtered RO water, Tea mug, Electrical kettle & Induction.

Accommodation Charges: INR 2000/-(Room Charges) 13000/- (Treatment, Therapies & medicated Diet Charges) for Two Person per day.
Extra Bed: INR 5,625/-
Note: charges per day inclusive of recommended food & various therapies.

Note 2: INR 500/- for registration & doctor consultation charges & INR 500/- for kit bag charges will be extra per person.

Note 3: 4625/- (Treatment, Therapies & Medicated Diet Charges)
Note - From 01st March'2025 - New Tariff - INR 16500/- per day (Single / Double), New charges for extra Person - 1000/- (Room Charges) 4625/- (Treatment, Therapies & Medicate

Patanjali Villa

Master Bedroom: with King size bed with Safety Locker, T.V 42 inches, A/C, Ward robe.

Housekeeping Amenities: Bath Linen - Bath Towel, Bath room toiletries on alternate days.

Amenities: Filtered RO water in water jug, Tea mug, Electrical kettle and Luggage rack.

Accommodation Charges: INR 1700/-(Room Charges) 10300/- (Treatment, Therapies & medicated Diet Charges) Extra Person: Room charges - INR 1000/- ; Diet & Therapies Charges - INR 4625/- per day.
Note: Charges per day inclusive of recommended food & various therapies. Maximum 02 persons can stay in the room.
Note 2: INR 500/- for registration & doctor consultation charges & INR 500/- for kit bag charges will be extra per person.

Nature Villa

Master Bedroom: with King size bed with Safety Locker, T.V 32 inches, A/C, Ward robe.

Housekeeping Amenities: Bath Linen - Bath Towel, Bath room toiletries on alternate days.

Amenities: Filtered RO water in water jug, Tea mug, Electrical kettle and Luggage rack.

Accommodation Charges: INR 1500/-(Room Charges) 8500/- (Treatment, Therapies & medicated Diet Charges) Extra Person: Room charges - INR 750/- ; Diet & Therapies Charges - INR 4250/- per day.
Note: Charges per day inclusive of recommended food & various therapies. Maximum 02 persons can stay in the room.
Note 2: INR 500/- for registration & doctor consultation charges & INR 500/- for kit bag charges will be extra per person.

Upcoming Rate of Kapil

Note - From 01st March'2025 - New Tariff - INR 16500/- per day (Single / Double), New charges for extra bed - INR 6000/- per day

7. Note-

  1. a. Registration will be confirmed after depositing the accommodation fee to Bank through patient- portal (Online).
  2. b. All attached documents are required at the time of arrival
  3. c. On the occassion of Holi and Diwali only morning session treatment will be provided. No treatment will be provided in evening session

8. Special Discount on Accommodation

  1. The Discount/royalty shall be given to our valuable members only once in a year as mentioned below. Discount can be availed by dependent (Mother, Father, Son (25 Year/Unmarried), Daughter (25 Year/Unmarried), Brothers (25 Year/Unmarried).
  2. A. Corporate Member 50% discount on total package.
  3. B. Founder Member - 25% on total package.
  4. C. Patron Member - 15% Discount on total package.
  5. D. Life Member - 10% Discounton total package.


  • 1. This discount is available once in a year for 01 week reservation only.
  • 2. The membership is non-transferrable
  • 3. Spouse and children of membership card holder are applicable for discount. If daughter is unmarried then only she will get membership discount. If membership card holder is not present then kindly provide the authority letter signed by him/her at the time of check-in.
  • 4. It is compulsary to present the physical membership card at the time of check-in
  • 5. Reservation will be done as per the room availablity. In case of waiting list prefrence will be given to the members. Kindly reserve the room well in advance.
  • 6. All right of admission are reserved by the management.

9. Postponement & Cancellation-

  1. A. Postponement Norms
    1. I. If the health seeker seeks a postponement, the changed schedule desired should be sent via E mail/courier to registration department, so as to reach 7 days before the scheduled date of arrival.
    2. II. Only two revisions are permitted subject to availability of accommodation. For each revision a charge of 10% of the deposited amount will have to be paid.
    3. III. If the health seeker does not present him/her on the revised schedule date the deposited amount shall get forfeited.
  2. B. Cancellation Norms
    1. I. No money, in any form, will be refunded to a health seeker leaving the treatment before 7 days.
    2. II. In case the registration is cancelled the following norms would apply:-
      1. 1. 15 days prior to the scheduled date, there shall be a deduction of 50%.
      2. 2. Cancellation with in 15 days of scheduled date of booking, there shall be a deduction of 100%
      3. 3. No refunds are permissible if instead of two health seekers one health seeker is arriving.
    3. III. In case of cancelation we will not refund any amount, if any health seeker do not come.
    4. IV. If the health seeker cancels the reservation less than 15 days prior to scheduled date or if he/she does not present himself/herself on the scheduled date then they will get one more chance to get registration, but after that if he/she does not present himself/herself on the scheduled date then No refunds are permissible.

    10. Special Instructions

    1. a. Children will not be allowed to accompany the health seeker. If you come with children, will not be admitting the health seeker.
    2. b. If the child is a health seeker and is above 10 yrs., then he can be considered for treatment and will be on chargeable basis. However the Child will be accompanied by an attendant preferably parent.
    3. c. If health seeker's condition is not fit for treatment on arrival, final decision regarding admission & treatment will be taken by CMO.
    4. d. There will not be any changes in package rates and entitlement in case of Single/Double occupancy. However additional health seeker/attendant shall be accommodating at Extra cost.
    5. e. Two people may include 2 health seekers or one health seeker and one attendant.
    6. f. Dormitory for attendant/drivers are available in Yog Gram on chargeable basis on Subject to Availability.
    7. g. Health seeker coming in OPD/ without registration and wanting to consult the doctor may do so on payment of Rs 500/- (Per Person) as Consultation charges.
    8. h. Health seekers will not reach NIRAMAYAM earlier than the booking day.
    9. i. The health applicants shall reach to NIRAMAYAM on the schedule day of arrival between 09:00 am to 12:00 pm. The day will start with medical consultation & treatment shall begin from the same day.
    10. j. The health applicants whosoever reaches NIRAMAYAM after 05:30 pm can stay in NIRAMAYAM. Doctor Consultation & treatment will start from next day onwards by 09:00 am.
    11. k. The health seekers will be discharged on the seventh day after 5.30 PM. However they can stay that night with additional charges of 01 night room will be available on subject to Availability and must leave NIRAMAYAM next day by 9.00 AM.
    12. l. For health seekers reaching NIRAMAYAM without advance registration, registration will only be done subject to availability of accommodation and on acceptance by the CMO.
    13. m. All the guests of Foreign nationals are requested to bring their ID proof i.e. Valid Passport/Copy of Visa however Indian can give their Aadhar card, Pan Card, voter ID card, Ration Card and Valid Passport.
    14. n. We are limited with our food & beverage services, no additional food request will be acknowledged.
    15. o. No room service will be given during operational hours or sleeping hours.

    Note- On your arrival time you must be support for Luggage checking on reception for safety reason.

    1. 1. During menstrual cycle please don't make any booking at Niramayam, which will not provide you appropriate benefit through treatment during your menstrual periods.
    2. 2. Female with other menstrual disorders is requested to take appropriate treatment to regularize their menstrual cycle and then they can make booking at Niramayam for further treatment in order to gain better relief after treatment.

    Village Aurangabad, Near SIDCUL
    Roshnabad, Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India
    Pin Code-249402
    Mobile Number- +91-8954666333
